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Thermo Electric

Standard Panels

Horizontally mounted standard panels


Available as standard with single, 6, 12, 18 and 24 circuits in 2.4mm (0.0937in.) anodized aluminium facia.
J, K, T, L, S/R, E, Cu/Cu or N calibration inserts moulded in International colour codes.
“Easy wiring” offset terminals, circuit numbers and terminal polarities indicated on each insert.
Custom layouts and configurations are available.

Vertically mounted standard panels


High temperature standard panels

Suitable for use up to 350°C (650°F). with 2.4 mm (0.0937 in.) stainless steel facia.
J, K, T, L, S/R, E, Cu/Cu and N calibrations.
Brown, thermosetting compound inserts identified with International calibration colour code.
Horizontal Panels single, 6, 12, 18 and 24 circuits.
Vertical Panels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 circuits.
Custom layouts and configurations are available

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