The Power Project is a clean natural gas-fuelled, 758-megawatt combined-cycle facility. This project covered 2 types of sensors in the total project scope of supply, one of the requirements was for tubeskin thermocouples, Type K with a total length of 20 meters. Included in the tubeskin construction were two type of weldpads, made of SA105 and SA182 F91 material. The tube skin thermocouple weld pads were manufactured in accordance with ASME II regulations.
We also supplied Type K Thermocouples with head-mounted transmitters and thermowells from a range of different materials. Thermowell materials were all in accordance with ASME II regulations and consist of SA-105, SA-182 F12 Cl.2, SA-182 F22 Cl.3 and SA-182 F91.
All temperature elements were manufactured at Thermo Electric Instrumentation and were delivered before the contactual agreed delivery time in accordance with all project specifications.